Join Creative Mahjong Tiles Colouring Workshop

    電郵 Your email*
    Dates / Time *
    請選擇麻雀祝福圖案 Please select one illustrated tile pattern: *
    請輸入4個需雕刻的筒子數字 Please input 4 digits to go on the hand-carved circle mahjong tiles (例 e.g. 0930, 1314, 2020, 1028)
    手雕麻雀筒子數字 Hand-carved Mahjong Circle Numbers
    聯絡方式 Mobile (Whatsapp / Signal) *
    姓名 Your name
    性別 Gender
    你從哪裡得得知此工作坊 (如經其它麻雀遊藝店推介,請注明名稱) How did you learn about this workshop? Please state the name if referred by collaborative parties. *
    費用HKD390/人,請選擇付款方式Payment Method (我們將於報名確認後連付款資料以電郵通知,參加者必需於3天內完成付款以確認留位)。We will inform you of the steps for payment after submission of this form and please settle payment within 3 days after registration) *
    備註 Remarks

    1. 課堂地點為賽馬會創意藝術中心L6-15Location: L6-15 at JCCAC
    2. 工作坊開始前3天截止報名以便預備材料Registration deadline is 3 days prior to the workshop
    3. 請於報名後3天內繳交費用以碓保位置Please pay within 3 days after registration to secure your seat.
    4. **請注意信用卡付款將收取大約 2.55% 行政費 Credit card payment will charge appro. 2.55% admin fee **
    5. 所有已邀的報名費用恕不退還
      No refund after registration
    6. 如有疑問, 請以下方式聯繫For any enquiry, please contact us by
      電郵 Email:
      Whatsapp/ Signal: 9876 3279
      Facebook Messenger: KarenArubaArt
    7. 於網上報名及付款後,我們將以電郵確認
      Email confirmation after registration and payment
    8. 如有突發情況,Karen Aruba Studio 保留最終決定權安排退款或改期
      Karen Aruba Studio reserves the right to make final decision to refund or to reschedule
